The Humanities use different content specialized software. Research the options that teachers in the Arts, Music, and Phys Ed have in software. What are the benefits of using the software? What are the drawbacks? Research the variety of software available to the humanities and include costs and availability of using the software in the classroom.

Name of your fieldtip: Virtual Tour of England

Your Fieldtrip URL:


Is the Fieldtrip Better in Person?

After you take a virtual tour of a place on the Internet, answer the following questions to see if the tour met your expectations.


When you were on the tour, could you tell where you were at all times?

While I was on the tour, I could tell where I was at all times. At the top of the page, in bold, there was the location of which part of England I was in. 


Throughout the tour, could you always get back to the beginning?

Throughout the tour, I could always get back to the beginning.


During the tour, could you go to any area that you wanted to, or did you have to visit places in a certain order?

 There was an order, but on the left hand side of the page I could click and go anywhere I wanted to go to. I could also click on the various links that the website gave me if I wanted more information on a subject.


Was there a map of the virtual tour site available for you to use for navigation?

 There was a map and if you clicked on different parts it would bring you to the page where it described what part of England it was. 


While you were on the tour, could you use any type of virtual reality to review places in 3-D?

I did not see any type of “virtual reality” or 3D models of any part of England.


If there were photographs on the tour, were they easy to see?

On each page there were two or three pictures but they were pretty small. I was surprised that I was unable to enlarge them. 


When you first entered the tour, could you choose from different options or paths to take?

No, you just clicked “enter virtual tour”.


Was there a virtual guide to help you along the virtual tour?

No there was not a virtual guide.


Were there any links to other Internet resources that would better help you understand the subject matter of the tour?

Yes, on every page there were links available if you wanted more information on different parts of England.


Was there a place to ask questions or leave feedback about the tour?

Yes, there was a place to leave feedback at the bottom of the page.


Did the tour make you want to learn more about the topic?

The tour had a lot of information and I feel like I learned SO much about it from the tour. There was so much history it’s hard to think that there’s that much more to learn.


Did the tour allow you to visit a place that you would never be able to visit in real life?

I haven’t visited England yet, but I hope to one day!


Did your tour have any live webcams?

No it did not have any webcams.


Compare and contrast this virtual tour and a real tour you have taken:

The virtual field trip was chock full of information. There was SO much and having the time to sit down and read about it definitely allowed me to absorb some of the rich history. However, it lacked the feel that going on a real tour gives you. As much as I enjoyed going on a mini tour of England from the comfort of my own home, it doesn’t compare to going and walking around the various parts of England: people watching, eating good food, and shopping.

Find any lesson either on the web or in the Lesson Activity Toolkit that will demonstrate the concept of your choice. Your lesson should include interactive materials that would engage the students in the classroom.

Assignment: Create a grade book in Google Spreadsheets to track the progress of your “students”. Your final grade book must include: a worksheet containing records of class attendance, a worksheet containing records of class grades, all calculations should be done by Google Spreadsheets, sort the data by last name/ first name, make a third worksheet that includes a chart.

Pinterest is a virtual pinboard that lets users organize and share things that you find on the Internet.  It is a social network that fits into the category of “visual bookmarking”. Pinterest was co-founded by Ben Silberman, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp, who are fairly unknown. They are headquartered in Palo Alto, California. Instead of using URLs for bookmarking pages, Pinterest uses individual photos, which makes your pinboard visually appealing. Like twitter’s “retweet” or tumblr’s “reblog”, anyone can “repin” something that they like and it will go onto one of their boards. The most repinned things go to the site-wide Pinterest topic pages, which drive a lot of traffic to the original pinners of those photos. Pinterest’s mission is “ to connect everyone in the world through the ‘things’ they find interesting.” 

    Pinterest is for more than planning you dream wedding or finding D.I.Ys that you’re never going to do. It can be a useful tool for educators around the world. There are so many things that educators can do with Pinterest. As an educator, you can find ideas on how to set up and organize your classroom. You can find ways to make your classroom more visually appealing and more conducive to learning. Educators can share ideas on how to teach various lessons, and find worksheets and handouts for those lessons. Pinterest is a great tool for educators to collaborate with other educators around the world.

Work Cited



     Tell students to choose a period of time in American history, ranging from Colonial America to the Great Depression. Once students have chosen which time period they would like to learn more about, they have to follow the following steps.

  • Make a Pinterest account if they do not already have one
  • Create a board
    • Click the “create a board” button under your profile
    • Name the board the name of the time period you are researching
    • Choose which category it falls under
    • Once you have made a board, search for your topic in the search bar which is located on the top left of the website
    • “Repin” pins that are of interest to you
      • Make sure you go to the website that the pin is bringing you to
      • Make sure they are on topic
        • For example, when searching for “Civil War” you may find pins for the Spanish Civil War. That is not on topic.
  • Some things you may want to repin could be books you may want to read on this topic, fashion during this time period, photographs, and/ or newspaper articles. Image